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Katamari Forever page
also known as Katamari Damacy Tribute in Japan

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 This page is no longer being updated.
For a more up-to-date video collection try
the Katamari on the Web Video Vault:


Much thanks to ThumbsOfSteel and vix for keeping that updated!


equivalent: videos of a very similar stage from a previous game, with the same rules as Classic Mode
*: equivalent diameters and times are asterisked, as the growth formulas in each game are a bit different

 ~: meant to be silly :S
---: videos obsoleted by the video above them in the list

KFKatamari ForeverKF
Tutorial equivalent 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Tutorial equivalent 51cm9mm* by me download watch on Google Video
Make a Star 1 KF Cousins and Presents guide by Drouge87   watch on YouTube
Make a Star 1 KF 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Make a Star 1 KF 38cm7mm by me download or watch on YouTube
~Make a Star 1 KF Fun Opening Move by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 1 Drive 39cm5mm by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 1 Drive 39cm2mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 1 Eternal 39cm6mm by me download part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
Make a Star 1 equivalent 38cm4mm* by me download or watch on YouTube
Gingerbread House KF Cousins and Presents guide by Drouge87   watch on YouTube
Gingerbread House KF 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Gingerbread House KF 100% in 1:20.700 by me download or watch on YouTube
Gingerbread House KF 0:18.766 by earlcash05   watch on YouTube
---Gingerbread House KF 0:21.333 by matthew69   watch on YouTube
Gingerbread House Drive 100% in 0:57.766 by me download or watch on YouTube
Gingerbread House Drive 0:14.466 by me download or watch on YouTube
Gingerbread House equivalent 100% in 1:54* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---Gingerbread House equivalent 100% in 2:26* by FoominFan   watch on YouTube
---Gingerbread House equivalent 100% speedrun by earlcash05   watch on YouTube
Gingerbread House equivalent 2m97cm4mm* by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS2 (Calories) KF 1,886,039Kcal by matthew69   watch on YouTube
MAS2 (Calories) KF 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
MAS2 (Calories) Drive 1,796,487Kcal by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS2 (Calories) Eternal Glitch by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS2 (Calories) Classic 1,494,666Kcal by me download or watch on YouTube
Clean Up Drive 0:26.500 by me download or watch on YouTube
Clean Up equivalent 0:36! by yoshifan   watch/download on SDA
---Clean Up equivalent 0:45* by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 3 KF 1m99cm2mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 3 Drive 2m0cm6mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 3 Classic 1m97cm4mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 3 Classic 120 points by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 3 equivalent 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Cows and Bears Drive Got Cowbear in 3:54.166 by me download or watch on YouTube
Cows and Bears Classic Got Cowbear in 4:51.233 by me download or watch on YouTube
Cows and Bears equivalent Cowbear and 9m63cm4mm* by Sully   watch on Google Video
MAS4 (Constellations) KF 88/88 and 1980 by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS4 (Constellations) Classic Easy-to-miss Constellations by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS4 (Constellations) equivalent 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Money Drive ¥19,832,602 by me download or watch on YouTube
Money Classic ¥20,013,018 by Silent Thunder   watch on YouTube
Money equivalent ¥23,418,032! by Yunomi   watch on YouTube
---Money equivalent ¥22,631,332! by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---Money equivalent

¥22,099,930! by matthew69

  watch on YouTube
---Money equivalent ¥20,900,000+* by aaron download or watch on YouTube
~Money equivalent ¥6,617,700* getting 50 or less Items by me download or watch on YouTube
Money equivalent 3m98cm4mm* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
MAS5 (Underwater) KF 2m10cm3mm by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS5 (Underwater) Drive 2m9cm6mm by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS5 (Underwater) Classic 2m9cm6mm by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS5 (Underwater) equivalent 2m9cm6mm* by aaron download or watch on YouTube
MAS5 (Underwater) equivalent 2m9cm6mm* by FoominFan   watch on YouTube
MAS5 (Underwater) equivalent 0:44* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---MAS5 (Underwater) equivalent 0:46* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---MAS5 (Underwater) equivalent 0:56* by matthew69   watch/download on SDA
---MAS5 (Underwater) equivalent 1:15* by khfan1 download or watch on YouTube
Fireflies Drive 1m85cm1mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Fireflies equivalent 1m85cm7mm* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Fireflies equivalent 1m83cm0mm* by me download or watch on YouTube
Fireflies equivalent 1:00* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
~Fireflies equivalent Got the student but failed! by matthew69   watch on YouTube
MAS6 (Animals) KF 300 Animals by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS6 (Animals) Classic 300 Animals by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS6 (Animals) equivalent 300 Animals in 4:46* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---MAS6 (Animals) equivalent 300 Animals in 5:15* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
MAS6 (Animals) equivalent 300 Animals and 10m38cm5mm* by me download or watch on YouTube
MAS6 (Animals) equivalent 10m76cm9mm* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---MAS6 (Animals) equivalent 10m quickly by me download or watch on YouTube
Sumo KF 591kg by me download or watch on YouTube
Sumo Drive 594kg by matthew69   watch on YouTube
Sumo equivalent 594kg* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
Sumo equivalent 1:06* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---Sumo equivalent 1:11* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Sumo equivalent 1:31* by me download or watch on YouTube
Sumo equivalent 1,802 Foods* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
Make a Star 7 KF 1m33cm8mm with wood filter by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 7 Drive 1m33cm5mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 7 Classic 1m33cm4mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 7 equivalent 1:31* by Silent_Thunder download or watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 7 equivalent 1:56* by me   watch/download on SDA
---Make a Star 7 equivalent 2:24* by SnapDragon download or watch on YouTube
Shopping KF 2969 Items by me download part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
Shopping equivalent 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul  

part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
part 3 on YouTube
part 4 on YouTube

Make a Star 8 KF 5m68cm9mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 8 equivalent 5m73cm2mm* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on Google Video
Make a Star 8 equivalent 1:47* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 8 equivalent 1:57* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 8 equivalent 1:57* by earlcash05   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 8 equivalent 2:36* by yoshifan download or watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 8 equivalent 3:05* by me download or watch on YouTube
~Make a Star 8 equivalent 38cm6mm* still in room by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
School KF 0:58.466 by me download or watch on YouTube
School equivalent 0:49* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---School equivalent 1:03* by Dr. Thinker download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 9 KF 2km762m33cm2mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 9 Drive 120 points by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 9 Drive 2km739m54cm5mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 9 equivalent 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
Camp KF 6m50cm2mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Camp equivalent 6m47cm7mm* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---Camp equivalent 6m21cm1mm* by vix   watch on YouTube
Camp equivalent 1:19* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---Camp equivalent 1:27* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Camp equivalent 1:36* by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 10 KF 24m90cm3mm with annotations by Drouge87   part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
Make a Star 10 KF 24m quickly by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 10 KF 24m92cm2mm by me download part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
Make a Star 10 Drive 24m93cm4mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 10 equivalent 4:07* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 10 equivalent 4:38* by me   watch/download on SDA
---Make a Star 10 equivalent 6:00* by SnapDragon download or watch on YouTube
Limited to 50 KF 7m6cm0mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Limited to 50 Classic 0:07.933 by earlcash05   watch on YouTube
Limited to 50 equivalent 7m79cm5mm! by Dr. Thinker download watch on Google Video
Make a Star 11 KF 3km600m quickly by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 11 Drive 3km628m24cm2mm by me download or watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 11 Drive 3km625m21cm3mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star 11 equivalent equivalent of 3626m or so by ThumbsOfSteel   watch/download
Make a Star 11 equivalent 3km600m* quickly by me download watch on Google Video
Make a Star 11 equivalent 4:10* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 11 equivalent 4:18* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 11 equivalent 4:55* by matthew69   watch/download on SDA
---Make a Star 11 equivalent 5:02* by yoshifan download or watch on YouTube
---Make a Star 11 equivalent 6:13* by me download or watch on YouTube
~Make a Star 11 equivalent Rolling Up All The Cousins in One Level
by matthew69
  watch on YouTube
~Make a Star 11 equivalent Monument Tour by me download or watch on YouTube
~Make a Star 11 equivalent Leap and Grab King Kong (no hop) by me download or watch on YouTube
Snowman Drive Strategy to get the Birch Trees by me download or watch on YouTube
Make The Moon KF 900m quickly by me download or watch on YouTube
Make The Moon KF 904m68cm9mm by me download part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
Make The Moon Drive 904m53cm7mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Make The Moon equivalent 800m* quickly by me download watch on Google Video
Make The Moon equivalent 5:46* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Make The Moon equivalent 6:26* by SnapDragon download or watch on YouTube
Hot Stuff KF 0:59.166 by me download or watch on YouTube
Hot Stuff Drive 0:49.100 by me download or watch on YouTube
~Hot Stuff Drive Failed before the clock started by me download or watch on YouTube
Hot Stuff Classic 1:06.200 by me download or watch on YouTube
Hot Stuff Classic Rolling up Devil Kataoka by me download or watch on YouTube
Hot Stuff equivalent 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Wake up the King! KF 120 points by me download part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
Wake up the King! KF 2 million km by me download or watch on YouTube
Wake up the King! Drive Speedrun by SeamonkyNG   watch on YouTube
Wake up the King! Drive somewhat failed speed/size attempt by me download or watch on YouTube
Wake up the King! equivalent 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   part 1 on YouTube
part 2 on YouTube
Farewell! KF 1454 Cosmos and how to grab Mu by me download or watch on YouTube
Farewell! KF 0:55.433 by me download or watch on YouTube
The King's Dream KF 763 Dreams by me download or watch on YouTube
The King's Dream Eternal 861 Dreams by me download or watch on YouTube
Katamari Sprinkler KF 1514m² (100%) by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Katamari Sprinkler KF 1513m² by me download or watch on YouTube
Katamari Sprinkler KF 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Make a Star - Race KF 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Make a Star - Race Drive "This is too fast for me!" by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star - Race equivalent 23m90cm6mm* by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star - Race equivalent 23m89cm1mm* by me download or watch on YouTube
Make a Star - Race equivalent 0:46* by matthew69   watch on YouTube
---Make a Star - Race equivalent 0:59* by Lo7 (Black-and White) download or watch on YouTube
---Make a Star - Race equivalent 1:08* by me   watch/download on SDA
Make a Star - Danger Classic 15,390km974m12cm0mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Small Just-right KF 100-point Walkthrough by ZoopSoul   watch on YouTube
Small Just-right Classic 120 points, 20cm0mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Small Just-right equivalent 20cm/20cm by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
Small Just-right equivalent Failing by FoominFan   watch on YouTube
Medium Just-right Classic 120 points, 2m1cm1mm by me download  or watch on YouTube
Medium Just-right equivalent 2m/2m by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
Medium Just-right equivalent Failing by FoominFan   watch on YouTube
Large Just-right Classic 120 points, 50m1cm2mm by me download or watch on YouTube
Large Just-right equivalent 50m/50m by ThumbsOfSteel   watch on YouTube
Large Just-right equivalent Failing by FoominFan   watch on YouTube
all 3 Co-op levels Drive by me download or watch on YouTube
Co-op Neighbourhood KF 2m and 'secret items' in the Burger Shop by me download or watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Honey and L'Amour by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Daisy and Odeon by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Nik and Harvest by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Dipp and Huey by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Kinoko and Jungle by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Sherman, Miso and Lalala by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Marcy and Foomin by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Princess, June and Slip by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Lucha, Kenta, Havana and Macho by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Mag and Ace by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Dangle, Ichigo and Hans by tldraco   watch on YouTube
Cousin Walkthrough   Kuro, Paula, Pokkle and Miki by tldraco   watch on YouTube
misc.   Wood Filter by matthew69   watch on YouTube
misc.   Black-And-White mode by me download or watch on YouTube
misc.   Punishment minigame and fast-failure by me download or watch on YouTube
KF minigame   by me download or watch on YouTube
BK minigame - Normal   715m55cm8mm by me download or watch on YouTube
BK minigame - Hard   379m8cm7mm by me download or watch on YouTube
WLK minigame equivalent 70 Fans and Cousins by me download or watch on YouTube

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