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Derek 'SnapDragon' Kisman

There is no doubt that the state of katamari videos would
be a lot different if SnapDragon had not decided to run
Katamari Damacy.

SnapDragon is one of the biggest names in competitive
videogaming. He got his start in 2000, running a Perfect
Dark website which has become one of the standards all
gaming websites try to live up to. Since then he has left
his mark in Super Monkey Ball, Zelda Majora's Mask,
Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2, WarioWare, Tetris
Attack, and many other games.

More recently he has been competitive on Xbox 360
Live Arcade; for a time in 2008 he held the world
record for highest total XBLA gamerscore.

I really don't know much about SnapDragon; I'd say more
if I did.

Let's just all bask a moment in SnapDragon's awesomeness.

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